1. Report: Project Identification Data
Report Name:Zoveelste test
2. Ground Model Data
3. Spudcan Foundation Geometry Data
4. Spudcan Interaction Data: Analysis / Methods
5. Spudcan Restistance Data
6. Output File Control Data
7. Output
Terminal output

p r o g r a m I S O _ 1 9 9 0 5 _ 1 w32 version 00.11
———————————— at 13:39:10 on 09-DEC-2023
jackup leg penetration assessment during preload according to ISO 19905-1 (2016)
(c) S.Kay Consultant, Leiderdorp, The Netherlands.
Please read the ISO_19905_1 Users Manual [ref SKA/MAN/001]
and the ISO_19905_1 FAQ File [ref SKA/FAQ/001].


iso_19905_1: nlines_errors : 2
iso_19905_1: nlines_warnings: 12

readn1: input conversion error
ERROR. resdat: reading card 5.4 V_N_S.

WARNING. gmdata: soil layer # 1; BDEN=8.00 kN/m^3 is inconsistent with PHI=30.00 degrees.
WARNING. gmdata: soil layer # 2; BDEN=7.50 kN/m^3 is inconsistent with SU_BOT=100.00 kPa.
WARNING. spfdat: maximum spudcan preload P_SPUD=30.00 kN is outside typical range [10e3 – 100e3].
WARNING. spfdat: NUMSP_BH = 1 [flat-bottomed spudcan].
WARNING. ssidat: squeezing clay mode pointer I_SQC=0 is normally 1.
WARNING. resdat: sand, tan(phi) averaging parameter ALPHA_B_TAN_PHI=5.00 is outside typical range [0.25 – 0.5].
WARNING. resdat: clay, RHO averaging and SQZ squeezing parameter ALPHA_B_SU=0.33 is outside typical range [0.4 – 0.6].
WARNING. resdat: squeezing factor constant A_SQ=1.00 is typically 5 [ISO 19905-1, A.].
WARNING. resdat: squeezing factor constant B_SQ=3.00 is typically 0.33 [ISO 19905-1, A.]..
WARNING. resdat: squeezing strength ratio su2/su1 R_SQ =3.00 is typically 1.5.
WARNING. resdat: number of load spread factors NUM_N_S=7 > 5;
WARNING. resdat: [NUM_N_S is typically 3 for a mixed sand & clay ground model].

iso_19905_1: fatal error(s). STOP.

Output file contents

p r o g r a m I S O _ 1 9 9 0 5 _ 1 w32 version 00.11
———————————— at 13:39:10 on 09-DEC-2023
jackup leg penetration assessment during preload according to ISO 19905-1 (2016)
(c) S.Kay Consultant, Leiderdorp, The Netherlands.
Please read the ISO_19905_1 Users Manual [ref SKA/MAN/001]
and the ISO_19905_1 FAQ File [ref SKA/FAQ/001].

pidata: STIFF CLAY””
: ptitle : “EXAMPLE 2”
: projno : “SKA/MAN/001”
: locatn : “QA/QC”

pidata: END — >




resdat: 5;
WARNING. resdat: [NUM_N_S is typically 3 for a mixed sand & clay ground model].

iso_19905_1: fatal error(s). STOP.