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7. Output
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p r o g r a m I S O _ 1 9 9 0 5 _ 1 w32 version 00.11
———————————— at 07:00:55 on 03-JUN-2024
jackup leg penetration assessment during preload according to ISO 19905-1 (2016)
(c) S.Kay Consultant, Leiderdorp, The Netherlands.
Please read the ISO_19905_1 Users Manual [ref SKA/MAN/001]
and the ISO_19905_1 FAQ File [ref SKA/FAQ/001].


gmdata: < — BEGIN
zdep bden su_top su_bot phi
[m] [kN/m^3] [kPa] [kPa] [deg]
12.0 4.50 2.00 25.0 17.5
19.5 8.50 28.0 33.0 9.00
34.2 9.00 25.0 0.00 0.00

iso_19905_1: nlines_errors : 2
iso_19905_1: nlines_warnings: 0

readn1: input conversion error
ERROR. gmdata: reading card 2.2 SOIL_MAT.

iso_19905_1: fatal error(s). STOP.

Terminal output

p r o g r a m I S O _ 1 9 9 0 5 _ 1 w32 version 00.11
———————————— at 07:00:55 on 03-JUN-2024
jackup leg penetration assessment during preload according to ISO 19905-1 (2016)
(c) S.Kay Consultant, Leiderdorp, The Netherlands.
Please read the ISO_19905_1 Users Manual [ref SKA/MAN/001]
and the ISO_19905_1 FAQ File [ref SKA/FAQ/001].


iso_19905_1: nlines_errors : 2
iso_19905_1: nlines_warnings: 0

readn1: input conversion error
ERROR. gmdata: reading card 2.2 SOIL_MAT.

iso_19905_1: fatal error(s). STOP.

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End of output