Unique IDSPUD48fc6
1. Report: Project Identification Data
Report Name:try01
Author Name:ehsan
Author Title:title
1.1 Project
Project Name:tryFirstGUI
Project Reference:123456
Project Date:15/05/2024
Project Location:CaskBay
1.2 Client
Client Company:CaskExampleClient
2. Ground Model Data
Ground Model TitleCaskBaySoilProfile
Number of Different Ground Models1
Load Soil Data MatrixSet # of Soil Layers
JQUERYjQuery('.excel-input').on('paste', function(event) {
var pastedData = event.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData('text');
var rows = pastedData.split('\n');
var table = '';
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
table += '';
var cells = rows[i].split('\t');
for (var j = 0; j < cells.length; j++) {
table += '';
table += '';
table += '
' + cells[j] + '

Number of Soil Layers2
Soil Layer Data Matrix
Top Depth [m bsf] Top Buoyant / Submerged Unit Weight [kN/m3] Bottom Submerged Unit Weight [kN/m3] Top Undrained Shear Strength [kPa] Bottom Undrained Shear Strenght [kPa] Effective Internal Friction Angle [deg] Layer Description
0 10 10 0 0 28 S
5 10 10 50 150 0 c1
Top Depth [m bsf]
  • 5
Top Buoyant / Submerged Unit Weight [kN/m3]
  • 10
  • 10
Bottom Submerged Unit Weight [kN/m3]
  • 10
  • 10
Top Undrained Shear Strength [kPa]
  • 50
Bottom Undrained Shear Strenght [kPa]
  • 150
Effective Internal Friction Angle [deg]
  • 28
Layer Description
  • S
  • c1
Base Depth25
3. Spudcan Foundation Geometry Data
Spudcan Jack-Up NameCaskSpud
Spudcan ShapeCircular (Steel) Caisson
Maximum Leg Preload [kN]50000
Light Ship Leg Load [kN]40000
Spudcan Volume Calculation Mode1
Spudcan Volume [m3]340
Number of Different Spudcan Width and Heights2
Spudcan(s) Width and Height
Spudcan Name Spudcan Width B [m] Height Above Spudcan Tip [m] Description
CaskSpud 0 0 s
CaskSpud 10 2 s
Spudcan Name
  • CaskSpud
  • CaskSpud
Spudcan Width B [m]
  • 10
Height Above Spudcan Tip [m]
  • 2
  • s
  • s
4. Spudcan Interaction Data: Analysis / Methods
Select GSC: Analysis Methods1
SQC - Squeezing Clay Method
  • 2
Hanna and Meyerhof (1980)2
Soil Backflow Pointer1
Squeezing Clay Mode Pointer1
Spudcan-Soil Adhesion Factor0.6
5. Spudcan Restistance Data
Sand Friction Angle and Averaged from Foundation0.25
Averaging and Squeezing Parameter0.5
Squeezing Factors5
Squeezing Strength Ratio0.33
Load Spread Factors for Sand3
6. Output File Control Data
Maximum Spudcan Tip Depth2.5