Spudpen Files: Overview

1. Report: Project Identification Data
Report Name:1
2. Ground Model Data
3. Spudcan Foundation Geometry Data
4. Spudcan Interaction Data: Analysis / Methods
5. Spudcan Restistance Data
6. Output File Control Data
7. Output
Terminal output

p r o g r a m I S O _ 1 9 9 0 5 _ 1 w32 version 00.11
------------------------------------ at 11:48:03 on 14-JUN-2024
jackup leg penetration assessment during preload according to ISO 19905-1 (2016)
(c) S.Kay Consultant, Leiderdorp, The Netherlands.
Please read the ISO_19905_1 Users Manual [ref SKA/MAN/001]
and the ISO_19905_1 FAQ File [ref SKA/FAQ/001].


iso_19905_1: nlines_errors : 2
iso_19905_1: nlines_warnings: 0

readn1: input conversion error
ERROR. gmdata: reading card 2.2 SOIL_MAT.

iso_19905_1: fatal error(s). STOP.

Output file contents

p r o g r a m I S O _ 1 9 9 0 5 _ 1 w32 version 00.11
------------------------------------ at 11:48:03 on 14-JUN-2024
jackup leg penetration assessment during preload according to ISO 19905-1 (2016)
(c) S.Kay Consultant, Leiderdorp, The Netherlands.
Please read the ISO_19905_1 Users Manual [ref SKA/MAN/001]
and the ISO_19905_1 FAQ File [ref SKA/FAQ/001].


gmdata: < --- BEGIN
zdep bden su_top su_bot phi
[m] [kN/m^3] [kPa] [kPa] [deg]
0.00 2.10 1.50 1.50 0.00
0.600 7.45 0.00 0.00 22.5
3.70 7.15 38.0 56.0 0.00
16.4 10.0 0.00 0.00 30.0
17.0 6.30 70.0 70.0 0.00
17.6 7.50 0.00 0.00 30.0
18.4 7.80 0.00 0.00 15.0
19.3 7.20 45.0 60.0 0.00
20.5 7.20 45.0 60.0 0.00

iso_19905_1: nlines_errors : 2
iso_19905_1: nlines_warnings: 0

readn1: input conversion error
ERROR. gmdata: reading card 2.2 SOIL_MAT.

iso_19905_1: fatal error(s). STOP.