Spudpen Files: Overview

1. Report: Project Identification Data
Report Name:1
2. Ground Model Data
3. Spudcan Foundation Geometry Data
4. Spudcan Interaction Data: Analysis / Methods
5. Spudcan Restistance Data
6. Output File Control Data
7. Output
Terminal output

p r o g r a m I S O _ 1 9 9 0 5 _ 1 w32 version 00.11
------------------------------------ at 12:09:06 on 21-JUN-2024
jackup leg penetration assessment during preload according to ISO 19905-1 (2016)
(c) S.Kay Consultant, Leiderdorp, The Netherlands.
Please read the ISO_19905_1 Users Manual [ref SKA/MAN/001]
and the ISO_19905_1 FAQ File [ref SKA/FAQ/001].


out_sp_pen_sub: GSC
5.00 9.60 3.15 7.75 4.60 GSC
9.60 14.6 7.75 12.8 5.00 SQC
14.6 14.7 12.8 12.9 0.100 PTC>PTS>SQC
14.7 14.8 12.9 13.0 0.100 SQC
14.8 15.0 13.0 13.2 0.200 PTC>PTS>SQC
15.0 15.4 13.2 13.6 0.400 PTC>PTS>PTC>PTS>PTS>GSC
15.4 16.2 13.6 14.3 0.800 PTS>PTC>PTS>PTS>GSC
16.2 19.5 14.3 17.6 3.30 PTC>PTS>PTS>GSC
19.5 19.9 17.6 18.1 0.400 PTS>PTS>GSC
19.9 20.8 18.1 18.9 0.900 PTS>GSC
from to from to thickness
z_tip z_tip D D T Qv_fmode
[m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [-]

iso_19905_1: nlines_errors : 0
iso_19905_1: nlines_warnings: 8

WARNING. gmdata: soil layer # 3; BDEN=5.60 kN/m^3 is inconsistent with SU_TOP=38.00 kPa.
WARNING. gmdata: soil layer # 4; BDEN=6.58 kN/m^3 is inconsistent with SU_TOP=54.00 kPa.
WARNING. gmdata: soil layer # 4; BDEN=6.58 kN/m^3 is inconsistent with SU_BOT=64.00 kPa.
WARNING. gmdata: soil layer # 6; BDEN=7.45 kN/m^3 is inconsistent with SU_TOP=147.00 kPa.
WARNING. gmdata: soil layer # 8; PHI < 20 degrees [ISO 19905-1 Table A.9.3-3].
WARNING. gmdata: soil layer # 9; BDEN=7.50 kN/m^3 is inconsistent with SU_TOP=70.50 kPa.
WARNING. spfdat: spudcan volume V_SPUDCAN=822 m^3 is outside typical range [30 - 500].
WARNING. spfdat: full penetration spudcan tip angle SP_BETA_H_MAX=162 degrees is outside typical range [110 - 150].

z_tip_penetration [m]: 7.09
out_sp_pen_sub: END --- >

input file: "JOB.I01"
output file: "JOB.O01 .O01"
iso_19905_1: normal program end